Create a list of things that you would like to do as a volunteer. It’s nice to think about it, but getting it done is more satisfying. The most important thing is to start. Take the next steps and make the world a better place! If you are interested in any of the following, please call the office at 480-471-7239.
Weekly Worship Service Needs:
Badge Table: Organize the name badge table and greet people prior to service. Inform office if new badges need to be ordered. This is a great way to meet others.
Choir: (mid-October to mid-May) No auditions required. Practice is held on Wednesday's at 4:00 pm.
Communion Stewards: Serve communion on the 1st Sunday of each month.
Communion Table: Setup and take down communion table weekly (candles, Bible, cross, vestments.) In addition, setup the communion sacraments the first Sunday of each month.
Fellowship Hour Hosts: Provide refreshments and coffee on Sunday following worship in Founders Hall.
Flowers: Provide the weekly floral arrangement for the communion table.
Lay Reader/Lector: Give the scripture reading during worship.
Tellers: Sort, count and report the funds received from the offering. Two tellers are required each week. Couples may not serve together.
Ushers: Greet, hand out bulletins, light candles, pass the offering plates. Count the number of people in attendance. After worship, collect fellowship sheets, check for anything left in the pews, and the remining bulletins. Take all to the office following worship.
Committees: Join one of our Committees: Fellowship, Worship, Facilities, Finance, Mission, Education, Technology, or Membership.
Other Needs:
Support local missions
Assist with monthly sandwich making and delivery for the Justa Center on the 3rd Thursday each month.
Invite others to church
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Pad Project Ministry