Several of the Mission Committee members recently visited the staff of Family Care Kids (Christian Family Care Preschool.)
Mission Committee
Mission Committee
Several of the Mission Committee members recently visited the staff of Family Care Kids (Christian Family Care Preschool.)
Mission Activities
Community Church of the Verdes is committed to sharing the gifts which have been given to us with those beyond the walls of our building and our local community. To that end we support a number of agencies each year (with a special emphasis on supporting children and families) and invite those agencies to join us in worship to share information about their work. Currently we provide various types of support including financial, needed food and necessities, and volunteer support to:
Sunshine Acres Children's Home
The Pad Project, Too Little Children
Center for Christian Education
In addition we join together with the wider community each year to support a Habitat for Humanity building program, which was initiated by our Church over a decade ago and has the distinction of being one of the longest continuing Habitat programs in America.
Do you have extra time? Many of the missions we support can always use volunteers: Sunshine Acres Children's Home (480-832-2014); Christian Family Care Preschool 602.562.0310; Habitat for Humanity 712-266-5151. For more information, contact these agencies directly.
2024 Mission Activities Summary
In 2024, the Board of Trustees funded a budget for the Mission Committee of $65,000, which represents 10% of the church’s Operating Fund. With the Board’s approval and your kind generosity, funds were distributed to the following agencies:
Sunshine Acres $10,000
NPH USA/Friends of the Orphans $10,000
Samaritan’s Purse $10,000 (designated for hurricane Helene relief)
Center for Christian Education $10,000
Christian Family Care $10,000
The Pad Project $ 1,500 (to purchase supplies)
Salvation Army $ 1,427 (supplies for hands-on project)
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones $ 2,073
Fellowship of Christian Athletes $ 5,000
Thrive, AZ $ 5,000
The “Legacy Endowment Fund” is separate from the Operating Fund. The Board of Trustees established the fund to expand and enrich the mission of the congregation, to initiate new ministries or significantly expand the scope of existing ministries. The Board annually distributes 5% of the value to further the purpose of the fund as described above. The Mission Committee is instrumental in this search for ways to utilize this distribution, and in 2024, the Board of Trustees approved the Mission Committee’s recommendation to give $8,250 to Hope Women’s Center and $8,250 to Rafiki Foundation.
In addition, due to generous donations from our congregation for our Monthly Mission Drives, we continued to support our local community. In 2024, we organized collections for the Justa Center, Sunshine Acres, Save the Family, Thrive, AZ, Extended Hands Food Bank, Fountain Hills Food Closet, Salvation Army, Christian Family Care, and Where Hope Lives.
Many volunteer hours are freely given by our church members. Agencies receiving their time and talents include, but are not limited to: Sunshine Acres, Extended Hands Food Bank, Fountain Hills Food Closet, Pad Project, Prayer Shawl Ministry, AA, PAL, Thrive, AZ, Stephen Ministry, VerdeCares, Habitat for Humanity, Unlimited Potential, Verdes Community Christmas Project, and Salvation Army.
We are blessed with so many who are willing to give and provide a better life for the less fortunate. There are always opportunities and missions that need our “hands on” support as well as financial resources.
Thank YOU for all you do! YOU are a true blessing to others! The members of the Mission Committee and the Board of Trustees look forward to continuing and expanding our mission and outreach work in 2025. With your gracious support, I am sure that we shall succeed.
Faithfully submitted,
Nancy Lowe
Mission Committee Chairperson