Welcome to Community Church of the Verdes!

We are a inter-denominational 400+ member Christian congregation committed to the spiritual nourishment and growth of all through regular worship, thoughtful education, and faithful community, striving to live as obedient disciples of Jesus Christ, loving God and loving neighbor.

We would like to invite you to join us for worship.  Our service is at 8:30 am in the sanctuary, located at 25603 N. Danny Lane, just one block off of Forest Road in Rio Verde.  As an alternative to attending in person, you may also join us via live streaming of our worship either at 8:30, or anytime after the service (see live-stream.)  You are also welcome to visit our Memorial Garden to enjoy its peace and serenity as well. 

We welcome all who would join us in worship, fellowship, and service. We offer educational programs to encourage and strengthen faith; these include Bible studies, book studies, small groups, annual retreats and topical classes. Through a variety of pastoral care and mission ministries, we provide Christian care and assistance to those in need, both locally and internationally. Our fellowship events are also plentiful, from fellowship hour after Sunday worship, to concerts, lectures,  as well as annual spring and fall dinners.

We hope your visit to our website will give you a glimpse of who we are, answer your questions, and lead you to visit our church in person.   We look forward to meeting you!

"Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful, and let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together...encouraging one another."


Hebrews 10:23-25

Worship Services

We gather to celebrate worship each Sunday at 8:30 AM, and our special worship services each year include Christmas Eve Candlelight, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise in the Garden (at 6:30 am).  Dates and times for those services are included in Calendar & Events section of this site.  

Each month we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion using a traditional liturgy. To celebrate the Unity in Diversity that is our Community Church, we vary the liturgy from time to time using the same form, but adding elements of various denominations. It is the belief of this congregation that none should be excluded from Christ's table, so all who so desire are invited to participate in the Sacrament. To insure that none are excluded from Christ's Table, we offer alcohol free wine and gluten free wafers.

A person is incorporated into the Universal Church, the Body of Christ, through the sacrament of Baptism. The water, words, and actions of the sacrament are visible signs that convey the Christian's new birth in Christ; it is both God's gift and our human response to that gift as well as a sign and seal of our common discipleship. 

At the Community Church of the Verdes we baptize both children and adults, and recognize that Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the mark of that person's acceptance into the care of Christ's church, the sign and seal of their participation in God's forgiveness, and the beginning of their new growth into full Christian faith and life.  If you are interested in being baptized or having a member of your family baptized, please contact Rev. Northrup at 480-471-7239 or pastor@verdefaith.org

Our church facility is shared with St. Dominic Catholic Mission to provide a Catholic service each week at 10 am on Sundays. For  information regarding the Catholic services, please call 480-471-2112. 

Contact Us

Community Church of the Verdes

25603 North Danny Lane, Suite 1

Rio Verde, AZ 85263

Telephone: 480-471-7239

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 9 am to 3 pm

Friday 9 am to 12 pm

Off-season Hours

Monday - Thursday 9 am to 3 pm

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Cathy Northrup

cnorthrup@verdefaith.org; cell: 480-322-0183

Music Director: Tom Wojtas 


Office Manager & Website Administrator: Judy Stansbury 
